Honeys for Dressings & Marinades
From $ 9.00
From $ 10.00
From $ 10.00
From $ 10.00
From $ 10.00
From $ 10.00
About Our Honeys for Dressings & Marinades
Honey is for so much more than sweetening tea! One of our favorite ways to use honey in the kitchen is in dressings and marinades. Unlike cane sugar, honey adds to and complements the flavors of your dressings and marinades to create a complex flavor experience.
This collection includes our favorite honeys for making homemade marinades and dressings. When you're just getting started, using the color of the honey as a guide is a great way to determine flavor pairings. Often, color in honey corresponds to its character, with lighter colors indicating more delicate, floral or fruity honeys while darker colors imply a more robust flavor profile.