light golden honey in Saratoga Tea & Honey Co. jar
light golden honey in Saratoga Tea & Honey Co. jar

Blackberry & Black Locust Honey

$ 16.00

Blackberry & Black Locust Honey

Tasting Notes

Light amber color with sweet notes of berry and white flowers.

Ingredients & Origin

Saratoga Springs, NY (Local Honey!)

100% Raw Local Wildflower Honey

About the Pollen

One of the few poly-floral honeys in our monofloral collection, our this early summer local honey is made from blackberry and black locust nectar.

Black Locust blooms in the early summer with lush clusters of fragrant white flowers and is a favorite for honey bees and other pollinators. While they're in bloom, sitting under a Black Locust tree is almost like being part of the hive, the blossoms are so alive with busy, buzzing bees! Black Locust trees are also very closely related to the Acacia trees that contribute nectar to our delectable and delicate Hungarian Acacia Honeycomb.

The nectar collected from blackberry blossoms adds a lovely fruit note to this polyfloral honey and rounds out the taste of early summer in Upstate NY.

Honey Facts